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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Gary Chapman, who?

(Betsy): Watch out, Gary! Scott and I might just have a new favorite author. Allow me to introduce...

Meet Dennis Rainey, author, speaker, and CEO of FamilyLife. You may be familiar with FamilyLife because of the organization's widely known and acclaimed marriage conferences, commonly called "A Weekend To Remember".

Scott and I joined around 500 couples this past weekend at the J.W. Marriott (<---Awesome new hotel in Indianapolis! Stay here for our wedding...walking distance to the Indiana State Museum) to get our fill on how to handle conflicts in marriage, our roles as husband and wife, and ideas on how to love and respect each other unconditionally. While we loved, loved, loved our one day seminar with Gary Chapman, I'd have to say this three-day conference knocked the ball out of the park. We learned so much about each other (just when I thought I had my fiance all figured out...) mostly due to the "break-out" sessions that require couples to work on couples' projects. The conference also had separate sessions for pre-married couples like Scott and myself.

Ashley and Kyle. Love them!
 The weekend was also a great opportunity for us to spend some quality time with each other (a yummy date night at Adobo Grill) and with some great friends. I tell ya. Those Regals are pretty sweet for letting us crash at their cozy little downtown condo to save us from a 45 minute drive at 7:30 a.m. 

And OF COURSE I snapped some pictures...

(Side: At the marriage conference, I learned that Scott does not enjoy taking pictures! What in the world?! All this time, I thought he loved stopping to snap a quick photo with me, but in reality, he thinks I am a little too camera-happy. He just does it because he knows how much I cherish a sweet photo. And that, my friends, is compromise. I love that man :) )

The Tatlocks :)


Our group from Midtown

And you know I wasn't sneaking out of that conference without getting my hands on a few new books. Scott and I are currently working through a book/workbook titled Preparing for Marriage. Good stuff. If any engaged couples want to borrow when we are finished, let me know! It is all yours. I especially like this book because it really forces Scott and I to "go there"--you know, talk through the things we wouldn't necessarily bring up in everyday conversation. It is definitely challenging, but SO worth it.

So, as far as our 30 list is concerned, we are now a step closer to reading 10 books together AND we have now attended not one but TWO marriage conferences (and, yes, we plan on attending one at least once a year--who is coming with us next year?!).  And, in other big news, we have moved from a 3 bedroom house in Noblesville to a one bedroom apartment in Plainfield. Talk about a transition! More on that from Scott...

(Scott): Transition indeed...where are we?  Plainfield is quite different from Noblesville; yet, it has all the conveniences of the north side.  I am thankful that the house finally sold. I never thought that day would come given the current economy and the fact that the offers weren't exactly 'rolling' in. I lived in Noblesville for about six years and enjoyed all that the north side had to offer.  It is a great time for a change, though, and a new beginning with the best, little partner ever.  We have only resided in Plainfield for a few days but I feel we are adjusting well and I am not really missing Noblesville. This is a refreshing change for us as long as the now closer, soon to be in-laws keep a little distance...just joking. (Betsy): No he's not ;)

The reduced amount of living space is quite an adjustment but also makes one realize that more space isn't always necessary.  The new place is small yet very cozy and will save us quite a bit of money.  All things considered, we are getting along very well in our new residence. 

To add to Betsy's narrative, I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed the Weekend to Remember.  These events really help our relationship and I recommend them to all.  We spend time improving other areas of our lives so it just makes sense to devote time to the betterment of our relationship.  Preparing for Marriage is a great book and, as Betsy mentioned, it really brings out some interesting discussion topics.  We aren't very far along but have already learned new things about each other and it is helping to expose why we are they way we are. 

Well, that's all for now.  This really has been a crazy, busy month but all for the better. Now, if only I could figure out a way to opt out of having my picture taken.  Probably not going to happen, this girl loves photos, but if that makes her happy then I can suck it up.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hey, Chicago! What do you say?

Go, Cubs. Go!

A weekend in pictures...

Wrigley Field :)

@ the game...before the rain!

A trip to Chicago without Chicago-style pizza? I think not.


beautiful, beautiful navy pier.

sweet family

mighty delicious. highly recommended.

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Sweet Season

(Betsy): Hello, dear friends.

Scott and I have not been faithful about blogging; over the past few weeks, month (has it been a month since we last blogged?), we have committed our time to family, church, friendships, and each other. This transition into spring from a long, cold winter has been a sweet one for us. We are in a season in our lives, in our relationship with one another, and in our individual relationships with God where we are experiencing deep growth. It is a joyful season for us!

Since our last post, we have finished two books, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married by (who else?) Gary Chapman. We are currently finishing Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey. All three books have encouraged meaningful conversations about areas of our lives that we have devoted, and will continue to devote, our time and energy to so that we may continue to grow together. I am so grateful for a fiance who is dedicated to reading with me so that we can learn, change, and evolve together.

Easter was especially meaningful this year. As new Christians, both Scott and I gained a better understanding of what Easter means for us, for believers. We were able to spend the afternoon with family, and then we headed to Christ Community Midtown for Easter service. I was so proud of Scott for sharing his testimony with the men and women of the congregation. I even managed to snap a few photos of him speaking :)

It is so exciting to what God is doing in our lives, and we are so incredibly thankful for a church home filled with amazing friends and supporters who love and serve. On this particular Sunday, my mom, brother, dad, and his wife came to show their support to Scott. I was super excited to have them join us to get a glimpse of what our 'new' lives look like. Midtown, and more specifically, our relationship with Christ, will be foundational for our marriage, and I was truly grateful for the opportunity to share that with my family.

Speaking of family...

Momma and Papa Prentice headed to Indy last weekend so that Papa Prentice (what a handyman!) could fix some things around the house for the buyers. Yes, you read that right! Buyers! Scott sold his house! Woooooo hoooooo!! We are so thrilled to be cutting out expenses of home ownership so that we can really start "living like no one else" so that later we can "live like no one else!" 

This weekend we are headed to a Cubs game with Morgan and Mike. We are super pumped to spend quality time with them in Scott's favorite city, Chicago! Pictures to come...

Enjoy the weekend :)